When I finish my lectures on BharatiyaMaths in the USA I will return to India and request all schools reject the failed NEP2020 maths curriculum that echoes the ideas of the British Empire. Podometic Bharatiya Maths is simply better than Arithmetic British Maths yet India's own BJP party are too cowardly to take a stand for GENUINE proven post-Vedic foundations of Aryabhata Brahmagupta and Bhaskara 1.

Under the BJP India's students are still required to master Roman Numerals.

What a tragedy for India's children.

Jonathan J Crabtree 🙏 Founder Podometic Bharatiya Maths www.podometic.in

P.S. At least the West is interested!


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well good luck to you. i have just written another article about how STEM and humanities in india re both at a crisis point, and how traditional knowledge systems could well be the savior. it's a bit of a hard sell though.

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India will continue to rank close to the bottom in the PISA international mathematics testing unless it updates it's maths foundations.

India's original zero symmetry is missing as you can see in the maths book extract from Sunil Singh at https://bit.ly/Chasing-Rabbits

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i can well believe it. i contend that education in the mother tongue, rather than in english which has a lot of baggage, is the right thing too.

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It's crazy for kids to have to learn 3 languages at primary school. At least mother tongue is now in NEP2020.

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