thank you hari for your comment. yes, Dr Abhishek really brings out a difference perspective on telegram, which was demonized as a pit of illegal activity by the western media as soon as the news of durov's arrest came out. as Abhishek says, there are psy-ops going on, and it is not as straightforward as it might seem: especially the question of what a communication mediums' responsibility is.
I have included the slides as a PDF for ease of reading.
Great podcast! Today’s technology really has emerged in today’s society and affects us all individuals within the aspect of social media use. There is of course, the pros and cons of today’s technology. Telegram would indeed have users who would create illegal transactions and can be a platform where misinformation can be spread out. Thank you Dr. Abhishek Puri for your input and presentation about Telegram!
thank you aarti for your comment. yes, telegram is being demonized for reasons that are not obvious. maybe the fact that they have a billion users, but are not beholden to the Deep State has led to their deprecation by western media. the whole 'curation' story seems dubious.
What an excellent podcast! To be honest, I had cast aside the headline on Durov's arrest as the law catching up with another shady Russian organization! Of course, now I realize that this was (yes WAS) a seriously biased view, which I'm in no doubt was owing to the perception created in the western media on anything Russian. I'm so glad that I took the time to sit through this podcast and want to express my appreciation to Dr.Puri for taking the time to put together the information that he did. I'm looking forward to seeing the follow up sessions as the incident of his 'arrest' unravels. Finally, can we have the original slides that he put together? The headlines that he had collated in the slides were too small to be legible. Thanks.
thank you hari for your comment. yes, Dr Abhishek really brings out a difference perspective on telegram, which was demonized as a pit of illegal activity by the western media as soon as the news of durov's arrest came out. as Abhishek says, there are psy-ops going on, and it is not as straightforward as it might seem: especially the question of what a communication mediums' responsibility is.
I have included the slides as a PDF for ease of reading.
Great podcast! Today’s technology really has emerged in today’s society and affects us all individuals within the aspect of social media use. There is of course, the pros and cons of today’s technology. Telegram would indeed have users who would create illegal transactions and can be a platform where misinformation can be spread out. Thank you Dr. Abhishek Puri for your input and presentation about Telegram!
thank you aarti for your comment. yes, telegram is being demonized for reasons that are not obvious. maybe the fact that they have a billion users, but are not beholden to the Deep State has led to their deprecation by western media. the whole 'curation' story seems dubious.
I have passed on your comments to Dr Abhishek.
What an excellent podcast! To be honest, I had cast aside the headline on Durov's arrest as the law catching up with another shady Russian organization! Of course, now I realize that this was (yes WAS) a seriously biased view, which I'm in no doubt was owing to the perception created in the western media on anything Russian. I'm so glad that I took the time to sit through this podcast and want to express my appreciation to Dr.Puri for taking the time to put together the information that he did. I'm looking forward to seeing the follow up sessions as the incident of his 'arrest' unravels. Finally, can we have the original slides that he put together? The headlines that he had collated in the slides were too small to be legible. Thanks.