Paul Kagame, not Robert Mugabe, is the president of Rwanda

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thank you for pointing out this inadvertent error. it has been corrected.

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That was very good summary of both parties Manifesto. I liked the article. Thank you for that.

However, small correction: it is not actually "free electricity". This is scheme launched recently "PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijl Yojna". Scheme provides financial assistance to set up roof top solar panel. Whatever power generated out of it would be free (I think even that is capped at 300 units), excess can be sold to Discoms. Even this promise, which Congress accuse Modi off, is Jumla :) :) :)

I think one time payment can be given as free, there is no problem with that I believe as you are nudging the people towards Solar power whereas other congress state Govt are handing out or subsidizing EB bills which is repetitive in nature.

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thank you for the correction on free electricity. I didn't understand this nuance, I thought it was a freebie like AAP offered in Delhi.

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I would like to point out that “free electricity” in BjP manifesto is linked to installing solar panels on roof tops. This would make them generate electricity that they pass on to grid and if they generate more than they consume, it’s free for consumers. It does not mean EBs generate and government pays your bills, but rather govt would pay for one time solar panels installation and then you generate that pays your bill.

Off course there will be cost of one time panel installation that govt will have to pay.

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thank you for this correction. I am not a total fan of solar, considering the environmental impact of old panels that cannot be recycled, but I understand the attraction for those who don't have electricity. and a one-time payment for capex is better than recurring opex.

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