Very informative native-guide window into the political economy of a major Indian city, with a side helping of history.

Sounds like the stakes are relatively low for TVM voters, and the city will move forward at a reasonably sedate pace whether Tharoor or Chandrasekaran wins. What seems missing in the election is a sense of audacious ambition and confidence that Modi has brought to other constituencies like Hyderabad.

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on the contrary, the stakes are very high indeed. Thiruvananthapuram has suffered from total neglect for a long time, and it's deteriorating in front of our very eyes. This is sort of a last-chance story, and unless the pluses (ISRO, vizhinjam port) are used to generate employment, things will go south quickly indeed. I am impressed by the 'audacious ambition' you mention about Hyderabad. you won't see this in Trivandrum unless the dead hand of entitled socialism is eradicated.

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your demographic percentage of Kerala is spot-on though I would give 15% for hindus. which translates to the BJP vote share +-.

Rajiv Chandrasekhar would be a blessing to TVPM ( I was also born , schooled and graduated there), but ......cannot trust the communists who will transfer their votes to your friend in the last minute.

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the Hindu vote share is small; the vote share that automatically goes to the BJP is even smaller. yes, there will be tactical voting against Rajeev Chandrasekhar. with the Christian and muslim vote already a given for Shashi Tharoor, the key to victory is the swing Hindu vote. development issues will be key here.

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