Shadow Warrior
Shadow Warrior by Rajeev Srinivasan
how to build a #narrative: marvel and learn from the masters of '#truth by repeated assertion'

how to build a #narrative: marvel and learn from the masters of '#truth by repeated assertion'

Masters of the Universe - Superman (USA card) - Barbarossa Art

first there was kishore mehbubani, an indian-origin singaporean diplomat, long known as a chinese shill.

then there was kevin rudd, a solid sinophile former aus PM saying “resistance is futile” and that you MUSTN’T contain china.

then the FT’s martin wolf told us you CANNOT fend off china, quoting mehbubani.

then the chinese propaganda entity global times tells us this is true, china is the supreme power, center of the universe. exhibit A: martin wolf’s article. (h/t to @SCS_Disputes)

so who’s left now in this coronation of china? india (ok indian-origin kishore, tho i’m sure there are several actual indian resident fifth-columnists who are dying to say the same thing), australia, britain.

ok, so japan is missing, and the US. i have a candidate for the US: susan shirk, former obamista aide, now at the university of california at san diego. she’ll be happy to let us know how it’s time to kowtow abjectly to china.

honestly, i don’t know if they’ll be able to find a japanese to toe this line. they are a people, on average, with dignity.

but do you see how this works? you keep piling up those quotes, and lo! it has become “truth by repeated assertion”.

in less polite circles, this is known as a “circle-j**k”.


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Shadow Warrior
Shadow Warrior by Rajeev Srinivasan
An Indian/Hindu nationalist perspective on world affairs; as well as on technology and innovation; conversations with experts and with people just like you and me.