Shadow Warrior
Shadow Warrior by Rajeev Srinivasan
Ep. 138: Re-post of three articles from 2003, 2008, 2022 about India as a soft state, a failing state, and a serf state

Ep. 138: Re-post of three articles from 2003, 2008, 2022 about India as a soft state, a failing state, and a serf state

India really has no option but to be a Hard State: one that is respected because of military and economic clout. All the Vishwaguru stuff is fluff.

First, in 2003, exhorting India to be a hard state. i wrote this 20 years ago about why India needs to be #hardstate. coercion, carrots, covert action and containment: the principles remain relevant even though the dramatis personae are different.

Second, in 2008, the fear that India would be a failed state. I wrote this just after the invasion of Mumbai on 26/11/2008.…

2008 was antonia maino rule. no wonder India looked like a failing state then.

in 2022, I wrote of India, a serf state, as per the neo-feudal #deepstate:


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Shadow Warrior
Shadow Warrior by Rajeev Srinivasan
An Indian/Hindu nationalist perspective on world affairs; as well as on technology and innovation; conversations with experts and with people just like you and me.